Biomedical Research: Cancer Moonshot Initiative

Lewis-Burke worked closely with a major university cybersecurity infrastructure project that was coming to the end of its initial ten-year funding.  Lewis-Burke developed a strategy to raise the profile of the project across its home agency, other federal funding agencies, and the research community.  Following initial implementation of this strategy, the project has been praised throughout a number of discipline areas at its home funding agency and has become a model of best practice in its field.  Building on this initial success, Lewis-Burke has worked with the university to raise the profile of the project at other agencies and engage on additional funding sources to ensure sustainability of the project.  Through a series of meetings with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Lewis-Burke has facilitated engagement of the project in the White House Cancer Moonshot initiative.  The university is developing a pilot project in collaboration with NSF and NIH to address issues raised in the recently published Cancer Moonshot task force report.  The pilot will also draw in other expertise at the university to ensure its engagement as the Cancer Moonshot moves forward.